Paste Table from Microsoft Excel to Confluence Wiki

1. Create the table in Microsoft Excel.

paste-table-confluence-excel paste-table-confluence-toolbar

2. Open this page in browser:

3. Paste the table from Microsoft Excel into the input box on the page.


4. Click on “Convert Me Now” button

5. Place the cursor at the intended insertion point in the wiki document.

6. Click on “Insert more content” (+) button on Wiki toolbar


7. Click on “Markup”


8. Paste converted markup from step 2  in the left pane and verify the preview.


9. Click on “Insert”

10. Review and verify the inserted content and make any correction if needed.


Database Schema Version Control Tool

It is essential to treat database schema as source code and apply all the norms and best practices applicable to it. From what I hear and read, database schema version control is non-existent in too many projects.

Various techniques to accomplish version control of database schemas have been discussed and published. Martin Fowler and Pramod Sadagale has written a comprehensive article on Evolutionary Database Design. It is a must-read for everyone involved with database development.

K. Scott Allen writes in detail about an excellent system here – Versioning Databases – Change Scripts. This approach is sufficiently light-weight (for my taste) and provides complete control over the whole process.

I am providing a free tool here that you can use to implement this system. It will even create the SchemaVersionsLog table for your database, if it doesn’t exist. If you are using this tool with MSSQL Server, you can get started with very little effort. If you are using a different DBMS, you can still use this tool. It uses NHibernate to access the SchemaVersionsLog table. So, any DBMS supported by NHibernate is acceptable, as long as it comes with a command line tool to execute the sql scripts.

Download DbUpdater here.