Kusto query language can be used to get insights into Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters. Container insights collects data from AKS clusters and forwards it to Log Analytics workspace, if enabled for a cluster. This data is available for querying in the Azure Monitor. Here is an example of how you can query the pods not in running state in specific namespaces.
| where Namespace in ("dv","test","prod")
| where ContainerStatus != "Running"
| where ContainerStatusReason !in ("", "Completed")
| distinct Namespace, Name
The following query includes the name of the AKS cluster and renders the output as a stacked bar chart.
| where Namespace in ("dv","test","prod")
| where ContainerStatus != "Running"
| where ContainerStatusReason !in ("", "Completed")
| distinct ClusterName, Namespace, Name
| summarize dcount(Name) by ClusterName, Namespace
| render columnchart kind=stacked100
You can include multiple AKS clusters in the scope in which this query is executed by clicking on [Select scope] hyperlink.
Create an Azure Dashboard panel with this output by clicking on [Pin to dashboard] button.
You can also execute this Kusto query directly using powershell.
$workspaceName = "DefaultWorkspace-6637b095-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-EUS"
$workspaceRG = "defaultresourcegroup-eus"
$WorkspaceID = (Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace -Name $workspaceName -ResourceGroupName $workspaceRG).CustomerID
$query = 'KubePodInventory | where Namespace in ("dv","test","prod") | where ContainerStatus != "Running" | where ContainerStatusReason !in ("", "Completed") | distinct ClusterName, Namespace, Name | summarize dcount(Name) by ClusterName, Namespace'
$result = Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery -WorkspaceId $WorkspaceID -Query $query -Timespan (New-TimeSpan -days 1)
This allows you to include the results of your custom Kusto queries in any reports you might run using Azure Automation Runbooks.
Hai how to get pod logs using kusto . i am looking to create a grafana dashboard using Azure monitor data source and visualize pod logs